Monday, February 15, 2010

Emergency! Bullet in the Brain!!

After listening to both of these stories and the commentaries that went with them I realized that I truly did not understand them. I know they are full of symbolism and they meant different things than what they were saying but its like come on and if you have something to say than just say it. These stories try to be thought provoking and show you what the author's want you to see by being sneaky and clever but I have never in my life been a fan of them. I really want to tell these authors to say what is really on their minds and stand behind their words and feelings.

With all of that stuff being said I do have to say between the two stories that I preferred Bullet in the Brain. If for nothing other than it did make me think what will run through my mind the few moments before I die. Will it be one of my early memories from boy scouts that I have forgotten or many of the new memories that I still have not had the chance to live. I don't know and honestly I can't say that I would want to know just yet but this story did make me pause to consider the many possibilities. Another thing that struck me as kind of odd with this story was when Anders started talking when the robbers showed up and then when he starts giggling as the gun is rubbed against side. Now, I would want to say that I could hold my own in a fight but short of having a known brain tumor the size of Texas I don't think that I could ever laugh or giggle while a gun is being poked into my side. Enough said I think!!!


1 comment:

  1. So what kind of stuff do you like to read? I would be very interested to know!
